YMCA Camp Bernie’s Overnight Camp is a traditional, co-ed program for kids entering grades 1-10. Campers are grouped into Units by gender identity and age, with each Unit divided into groups composed of 12-18 campers and 2-3 counselors. Our traditions and camp spirit unite our overall camp community as youth are engaged in instructional activities, structured free play and memorable all-camp events each session.


Open House Dates

Resilience Building

Today’s children face more stressful situations than we can imagine. Kids often react by indulging in unhealthy behaviors. As childcare providers, we feel the need to protect them, but we must remember that our goal is to prepare them to be happy and productive adults. YMCA Camp Bernie focuses on helping campers to build the 7 Cs: competence, confidence, connection, character, contribution, coping and control in order to better deal with stressful situations. Together we can raise successful children who will make their unique and substantial contributions to the world.

A group of kids in green shirts playing tug of war.


Campers are grouped by gender and grade level to provide optimal living and learning experiences in a safe, supportive environment. Lodges and cabins are equipped with bunk style beds, storage areas, indoor toilets and showers. All cabins have interior fireplaces and/or exterior fire pits for evening cabin activities. Campers in the Nation unit experience a more rustic, natural environment with screened wooden cabins and a central bath house.

See Our Cabins


Session Themes

Click each week for dress up themes!

Dates & Rates

Session Dates 2025 Price
A 6/22-6/28 $1,290
B 6/29-7/5 $1,290
C 7/6-7/12 $1,290
D 7/13-7/19 $1,290
E 7/20-7/26 $1,290
F 7/27-8/2 $1,290
G 8/3-8/9 $1,290
H 8/10-8/16 $1,290


*NEW FOR 2025* The longer you stay, the less you pay. Sign up for more than 1 week and receive a 10% overall discount for camp (a savings of $129 per week)

A minimum deposit of $175 (per session) is due at the time of registration, to secure your camper's spot. Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferrable for all programs.

Remaining balance payments can be split up and charged on a monthly basis if desired. Payment plans are set up through online registration. If you need assistance setting up a payment plan, please email info@campbernieymca.org.  Balances are due by June 1st.

All balances are due by June 1st.

Register Now

Evening Programs and Add-Ons

(click each circle for more information)


The longer you stay, the more you play!  If you’re signed up for multiple sessions, you can stay through the weekend and have the camp all to yourself!  Holdover is also a great late pick-up option for families who have difficulty getting to camp on the scheduled Saturday.  Specialized activities, meals and even off-camp trips or on-site entertainment is included.

Session Date On/Off Site Trip/Event 2025 Rate
Session A to B 6/28-6/29 On-Site Superhero Weekend $150
Session B to C 7/5-7/6 Off-Site New York City $250
Session C to D 7/12-7/13 On-Site Pool Party $150
Session D to E 7/19-7/20 Off-Site Dorney Park $250
Session E to F 7/26-7/27 On-Site Art Explosion $150
Session F to G 8/2-8/3 Off-Site Mountain Creek $250
Session G to H 8/9-8/10 On-Site "Drive-In" Movie $150

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does a typical day at camp look like?

    7:30am-8am            Wake up/Cabin Clean-Up
    8am-9am                 Breakfast
    9:15am-10:45am     Activity Block A (choice)
    10:45am-12:15pm   Activity Block B (choice)
    12:30pm-1:30pm     Lunch
    1:30pm-2:30pm       Rest Hour
    2:30pm-4pm            Activity Block C (choice)
    4pm-5:30pm            Activity Block D (Smorgasbord)
    5:45pm-6pm            Flag Pole
    6pm-7pm                 Dinner
    7pm-8pm                 Cabin Activities/Camp Store
    8pm-9:30pm            Evening Activity
    9:30pm-11pm          Cabin Time/Staggered Lights out by Unit (Finches 10pm, Hawks 10:30pm, Ravens/CITs 11pm)

  • What are the check-in and check-out times/locations?

    Check in at camp begins on Sundays is from 1pm-3pm at the Upper Pavilion. Families can arrive anytime within this drop off window. Campers will eat at 6pm on Sunday so please ensure they eat lunch prior to arriving to camp.

    Check out for sessions are on Saturday between 11am and 1pm. Please come to the Main Parking Lot at the top of the hill.

    The overnight camp transportation from the Ridgewood YMCA checks in at 12pm on Sundays, with a departure of 12:30pm. On Sundays after camp, the transportation arrives at the Ridgewood YMCA around 12pm (traffic pending).

    2025 Ridgewood Transportation Rate: $70/camper one-way, $100 round-trip

    Airport pickup may also be arranged.  Please contact info@campbernieymca.org 

    2025 Airport Pick-up Rate: $75/camper one-way, $150 round-trip

  • What is your refund policy?

    Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferrable for all programs.

    Once full payment is made, families who need to withdraw will be eligible for a refund until June 1st (excluding deposit).

    Inability to attend camp due to extenuating circumstance (including but not limited to illness, injury, family emergency or health challenges) will be considered for refund on a case-by-case basis with written documentation.

  • Does Camp Bernie offer Financial Aid?

    Yes!  Applications for Camp Scholarships are considered on a rolling basis as long as funds remain available, but the first round of applications are reviewed on March 1st.  Only complete applications can be considered.  Scholarships are awarded for up to 60% of the full tuition rate. Amounts are awarded are based on financial need.

    Additional scholarships are available through SCOPE for those that qualify. To qualify, a camper must be 6-16 years old, be enrolled in public school, and meet family income requirements established by USDA Income Eligibility Guidelines.

    2025 SCOPE Application

    2025 SCOPE Appplication (in Spanish)

  • Can one-week campers decide to stay for additional weeks?

    Yes!  We will be in contact with guardians if a one-week camper expresses interest in staying additional weeks. Adding multiple sessions is a simple process and laundry service is available if a camper needs it.

  • What is the Camp Store?

    The Camp Store is stocked with snacks, drinks, clothing items and souvenirs. We also carry a supply of toiletry items that campers may have forgotten. Campers have the opportunity to visit the camp store on a daily basis. As our camp store is cashless, money can be added to your camper's online account throughout the session. The camp store is not just for campers, the store will also be open during check-in and check-out for families to purchase items.

  • What happens to my unspent Camp Store money?

    At the end of the summer camp season, families will have three options for any unspent Camp Store money:

    1. Credit for the future - the money will be kept as a credit in your Camp Store account for your next session or event at camp.

    2. Donate Unused Funds - send an email to info@campbernieymca.org and let us know you'd like to donate your unused Camp Store money to our scholarship fund to allow children to have a once-in-a-lifetime camp experience who otherwise would not have been able to.

    3. Request a Refund - send an email to info@campbernieymca.org and let us know you'd like your money refunded and we will process your request to your original payment method.

  • What do you do to make first-time campers feel comfortable?

    From the moment your camper checks in with their cabin, staff will play games and getting-to-know-you activities that are designed to help your child feel more comfortable at camp and build cabin culture. Once check-in has concluded, campers will be provided with a camp orientation and tour. Additionally, families can opt-in to receive a check-in call within 48-72 hours of a first-time overnight camper’s arrival to report on how they're adjusting and, if needed work together on a game plan for how we can best help struggling campers. (Camp staff will reach out regardless of the opt-in/opt-out process if a camper is struggling)

  • Can my child be grouped with their friend?

    Campers are grouped by grade. 1st-4th grade are Finches and will be separated by gender identity. 5th-6th grade are Hawks and will be separated by gender identity. 7th-10th grade are Ravens and will be separated by gender identity. 11th graders are CIT's.

    We accept two requests per camper and children must request each other. With an age gap, we prefer to avoid mixing ages in groups, but when exceptions are made, the older child will be placed in the younger group.

  • Do campers pick their own activities?

    For the 2025 season, campers will receive an orientation on Sunday for program offerings and will sign up for the 3 program activities they are interested in for the first half of the week (We will do our best to accomodate campers first few choices based on interest and demand). Campers will have the opportunity to switch after Wednesday to try something new. These activities are your more traditional camp activities which include but are not limited to: canoeing, archery, swim, arts and crafts and more. 

    In the afternoon, campers will get 1 activity block of a free choice special activity AKA: "Smorgasbord". These activities are more fluid, niche and "silly" in nature and could range from things like: L.A.R.P, Tye-dye, Capture the Flag, Cloud-Watching, nature hike, ultimate frisbee and more.

  • Where do campers shower and use the bathroom?

    We have bathrooms accessible all around camp including in all cabins, the dining hall, main camp and the wellness center. Campers will stay in cabins with shower stalls and bathroom stalls.

  • What do you do on rainy days?

    If weather is mild to moderate, camp activities will proceed as scheduled. It is recommended that campers pack rain gear. For heavy rain, we run special, pre-planned indoor activities. During a thunderstorm, all campers and staff will immediately be brought indoors to shelter-in-place for "Thunder Call". The immediate surrounding 10 miles must be clear of thunder and lightening for a total of 10 minutes to conclude "Thunder Call". If at any point during a "Thunder Call", lightening or thunder is detected within the immediate area, the clock will reset.

  • What are your medical procedures?

    Our camp contracts through AMN Healthcare (American Mobile Nurses) for a vetted licensed RN or LPN for the entirety of the summer. If the Camp Nurse is ever off property, there is an assigned health officer on property. Medication is stored and administered by the Nurse. If there is an emergency that requires medical transport, Hackettstown Regional Medical Center is 20 minutes from Camp. All staff are trained in emergency procedures. Many staff are also certified in Basic First Aid and AED/CPR. If a child sustains an injury or is feeling unwell, the camp staff will assess the injury and transport the child to the wellness cabin for further observation and care if necessary. Upon initial care and observation, if extensive care or isolation is needed, the Camp Nurse or Health Office will contact the guardian for a continued care plan.

  • My child has special health needs, is camp right for them?

    We firmly believe that camp is for ALL. We also recognize that each child is unique and some may require additional physical or behavioral support. While we will make every effort to accommodate our campers and families, we also recognize that sometimes due to the environment or staffing structure that your child may need support that is beyond our scope. When registering your child, please ensure that you complete the "Camper Profile Sheet", "Health History" and if applicable "Medication" information in full. Additionally to find out if YMCA Camp Bernie is the right fit for your family, you are always welcome to call us and speak with our Administrative team to collaborate on a plan for your child's success during their time here.

  • What are the qualifications of your staff?

    Eighty percent of counselors are 18 and up; mostly college students. Counselors have at least two interviews, have a minimum of three references checked and must clear a criminal background screening both through Praesidium (which includes the national sex offender public system) and the CARI state background check system.  Staff are also fingerprinted by the state of NJ. Prior to camp, staff attend 2 weeks of in-person training, as well as online training courses through the Redwoods Group and the state of NJ. Head Counselors, Unit Leaders and specialists attend additional trainings.

    Specialists have trainings and certifications relevant to their program areas as well as American Red Cross First Aid and CPR/AED certifications. Lifeguards are certified by the American Red Cross. Staff Trainings include topics required by the American Camping Association as well as the state of new Jersey that range from emergency procedures, handling homesickness, engaging programming, child abuse prevention, inclusion, youth development, and much more.

  • How do I contact my child?

    Families can send e-mails via their camper's online accounts. Mail is delivered to the campers each weekday during dinner. We also encourage families to send letters through the postal service. YMCA Camp Bernie does not permit cell phones. Campers are not accessible via phone with the exception of extenuating circumstances. Campers are encouraged to pack pre-posted envelopes and stationary if they would like to write letters to family or friends to send back home. If a camper has a letter to send home, campers can put them in the mailbox across from the camp store. Letters will be sent out by the following business day.